Goals and Evaluations

Superintendent Evaluation

The Board of Directors shall evaluate the performance of the Superintendent annually per Pennsylvania School Code and district policy. The evaluation instrument is developed together by the Board of Directors and Superintendent and contains the following performance ratings: 

  • Exemplary

  • Distinguished

  • Proficient

  • Developing

  • Unsatisfactory

Superintendent Evaluation Information

The current evaluation instrument consists of two parts: leadership standards and objective performance standards.

 Part One - Leadership Standards 

  • Standard 1 - Shared Vision - An education leader promotes personalized student success by thinking and planning strategically to create and sustain an organizational vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.
  • Standard 2 - Culture of Learning - An education leader promotes personalized student success by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning.
  • Standard 3 - Decision Making - An education leader promotes personalized student success by accessing and using appropriate data to inform decision-making at all levels of the system.
  • Standard 4 – Management - An education leader promotes personalized student success by ensuring management of the resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment.
  • Standard 5 - Family & Community - An education leader promotes personalized student success by collaborating, communicating, engaging and empowering others inside and outside of the organization to pursue excellence in learning.
  • Standard 6 – Ethics - An education leader promotes the personalized student success by operating in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional integrity.
  • Standard 7 – Advocacy - An education leader promotes personalized student success by advocating for children and public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context.
  • Standard 8 - Personal and Professional Growth - An education leader promotes the personalized student success by supporting professional growth of self and others through practice and inquiry.

Part Two- Objective Performance Standards

  • Objective Performance Standards are the annual goals and objectives of the Superintendent.

2023-2024 Evaluation Information

Superintendent Annual Goals and Objectives - Objective Performance Standards 

  • By June 2024, the Superintendent, in conjunction with the building principals, will develop a plan to improve the communication strategies with district families and other district stakeholder groups.
  • By June 2024, the Superintendent will lead, develop, and present the district's comprehensive plan to the Board of School Directors.
  • By June 2024, the Superintendent will develop and present a three-year plan to the Board of School Directors that begins the district’s efforts in creating a Portrait of a Graduate portfolio.
  • By June 2024, the Superintendent, in conjunction with the high school principal, shall develop and present a plan to fully implement career academies at Lebanon High School to help engage students, retain students, and encourage all students to graduate and enroll in post-secondary, enlist in the army, or be employ in the workforce.

2023-2024 Superintendent Evaluation