Welcome to the Lebanon School District Department of Special Education. The primary goal of our department is to address each student as an individual with unique strengths and needs. Through the identification, re-evaluation, and IEP planning process, we strive to address these strengths and needs to provide opportunities for success academically, socially, and vocationally. Rather than focusing on students' differences, we aim to include every student as an equal member of the Lebanon School District. We welcome and encourage all students to participate in all the activities our schools offer including clubs, student government, instrumental and vocal music, social activities, athletics, theatre, community service, and, of course, academics. Most importantly, we invite parents and guardians to be an active part of their child's IEP team. A strong bond of cooperation and communication between the school, parents, and community is essential to maintain student motivation and success. On the following pages, you will find staff names and assignments. Please feel free to communicate with us regularly to keep everyone in touch and/or to schedule a visit to school.

Jessica Evans
Director of Special Education
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