

In order to achieve our goal for all students to be prepared for the opportunity to attend college when they graduate, the district and its school teams use data-driven practices to guide instruction. The district uses results from the PSSA, DIBELS NEXT, and classroom-based assessments to monitor the progress of its students. Instructional intervention is planned at all levels to provide additional support of classroom instruction.

When a student continues to struggle to make academic or social/emotional growth, they may be referred for additional testing through the Multi-disciplinary Evaluation Process.  Because this is an individual Assessment, parent permission is sought out. Parents may also request this evaluation in writing to the building principal. Please refer to the link for the Special Education Division for more detailed information about the referral process. Our school psychologists work closely with parents, students, and school teams to gather all relevant data to determine the needs of the student. It is the goal of the psychologists to assist the school teams in developing a clear understanding of the student’s learning and to improve student achievement.

Standardized Testing Resources

This link to the ACT organization gives current information about all the products ACT markets. It allows students to register for an ACT test, learn test taking strategies to maximize ACT scores, see sample questions, read research and information available from ACT.

College Board Online Home Page
Students, parents, & counselors will find a comprehensive menu of information to aid in the transition to college. Includes EXPAN (for free) college, career & financial aid database.

The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review helps people find and get into the right college or other school. They have great resources to help with testing, admissions, financial aid, etc.
Take the practice test you will receive when you register for the SAT and this site will help you diagnose your weak areas and provide skill building lessons for them.

Secrets of the SAT
PBS's Frontline has created a site that explores the role of the Scholastic Aptitude Tests and how they potentially affect students' academic futures. Besides investigating the test preparation industry and racial issues related to admissions policies, the site allows users to play the role of admissions officers.
This truly free SAT pep site offers tutorials, practice sessions, a vocabulary builder and college planning information. The site was planned by university professors experienced in the area of test prep.

Test Prep on line. Self tests plus many topics.
Free on-line ACT test allows you to see your answers and explains the ones you got wrong.

Free SAT 1 Prep
Free advice and tips on tackling the SAT test.

Free online Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Certifications, tests, exams.

Apex Test Prep
Learn how you can pass your ASVAB test with guaranteed methods proven to work. Ace each section of the ASVAB, using specific techniques that will help test takers for $19.95.

College Power Prep