Construction Update:
Athletic Field Sinkhole
In July 2023, after the completion of the construction of our new athletic fields on Wilhelm Avenue, a sinkhole developed. Over the next few months, the school district worked with various engineers and firms to remedy the issue. As of January 1, 2024, the sinkhole has been filled, with track and turf restoration to follow. Depending on the weather and ability to restore track and turf, we anticipate the facility to be ready for use by late Spring to early Summer 2024.
Link to Construction Camera Timelapse
Wilhelm Avenue Traffic Delays.
October 5, 2023
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Lebanon School District is excited to share that we are making great progress with our Junior High building project. The expansion of the secondary campus will increase opportunities for our students grades 7-12 beginning as early as the 2024-2025 school year.
During this transition time, we are sending notification of any potential work that may inconvenience our families. In doing so, the district has received notification that construction in a new intersection at York Street will begin in the next two weeks and will continue until September of 2024.
The details of the work are outlined below:
• Between Monday and Thursday, no road construction work will occur between 6:00 am and 8:30 am. However, during all other times, there will be reduced lanes on both Wilhelm and Cornwall Roads, with flaggers present.
• On Fridays, no road construction work will occur between 6:00 am and 8:30 am and between 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Similar to other days, all other times will involve one lane on both Wilhelm and Cornwall Roads, with flaggers managing traffic.
We are making you aware in case you would like to modify your arrangements in the morning and afternoon when dropping off or picking up your son or daughter.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (717)-270-6729.
Joshua Coatsworth
Assistant to the Superintendent for Human Resources and Operations
Lebanon School District
Construction Image - 1/02/23: