Hour of Code

Students Crush Hour of Code Challenge!
Posted on 01/13/2025
Hour of Code

Lebanon School District elementary students showcased their determination and skill during Computer Science Education Week this past December. Students in 49 classrooms across the district's five elementary schools participated in the Hour of Code Challenge, where they worked both collaboratively and individually to solve coding challenges. Students used coding manipulatives such as Spheros, Beebots, Code and Go Mouse and Microbits, in addition to online coding platforms such as code.org in order to achieve the impressive  amount of 950 cumulative hours of coding time! 

STEM Integrators, Matt Lash and Lauren Williams, spearheaded the Hour of Code effort this year, ensuring that staff were prepared for the event. The team curated several resources to help students find the coding challenge right for them. In the classrooms, teachers leaned-in to the challenge by helping students connect their excitement  to the  transferable skills they need to succeed! After the event, students reported learning more than just the logic needed to code -- they also reported learning that success looks like being creative, patient and focused, a good listener and communicator, and a good teammate! 

According to Matt and Lauren, coding doesn't need to be limited to school hours. They suggest using free resources such as code.org or Scratch to continue exploring the world of coding at home! Parents who are interested in learning more about computer science and coding should connect with their student's classroom teacher for more resources.